Presale Informations
Details on Presale
Presale start: 21/9/21, 9 am EST estimated (Block 11108395)
Presale ends: 24/9/21, 9 am EST estimated (Block 11194795)
Liquidity provided: 24/9/21, 9.01 am EST estimated
Private Farming start: 24/9/21 9 pm EST estimated
Private Farming ends: 28/9/21 9 pm EST estimated
Private Farming Harvest Unlock: 30/9/21 9 pm EST estimated
Public Farming start: 24/9/21 9 pm EST estimated
Price: 10 BUSD
Supply: 50,000 bYield Token
Max Cap per wallet: 10,000 BUSD
Hardcap: 500,000 BUSD
Allocation of Presale Funds
Initial liquidity: 50% of presale raised (25,000 bYield Tokens if hardcap is reached)
Marketing & Audits: 35% of presale raised
Dev team: 15%
Last updated
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